Creating a world where alternative proteins are no longer alternative

The Good Food Institute (GFI) is an international non-profit reimagining meat production, with a vision of a world where alternative proteins are no longer alternative. They are developing the roadmap for a sustainable, secure, and just protein supply, by identifying the most effective solutions, mobilize resources and talent, and empower partners across the food system to make alternative proteins accessible, affordable, and delicious.

Audrey Gyr serves as the start-up innovation specialist at GFI, helping new ventures to rethink how we produce meat to solve the big challenges we are facing in terms of planetary and human health. In this episode we discuss the many factors at play making food one of the most crucial puzzle bricks to solve the climate crisis, the crazy mismatch between amount of land use caused by the meat industry versus the calorie supply, the use of antibiotics in animal farming, and why we're at a critical point of time to do something about it.

We also cover the lack of scalable solutions within food and the fact that humanity so far have been relying on behavior change (which obviously isn't working fast enough), leading us into why alternative proteins might be the most promising supply solution with the ability to scale. Audrey gives us an explanation of what alternative proteins are, and the latest innovations within this space aiming to create products that behave the exact same way as conventional meat. Finally we touch upon the great potential ahead for new start-ups in this space, as well as collaboration between those, to drive demand and capture an ever growing share of the meat market.

And of course, as always, Audrey's personal story of change.

PS. In this episode you also get to enjoy Audrey's dogs barking in the background and her boyfriend trying to clean up the kitchen ;)